

Research at CCIL aims at providing market participants with in-depth, curated, relevant and latest analysis of the existing trends and patterns in the financial markets. The various publications  aim to inform, educate and enhance market understanding of the various product markets trends and the macro-economic conditions in the economy. The Research desk releases the following publications at various periodicities. They are:

1.    Daily
         a.    Daily Market Analytics: This is an abridged report that provides visual analysis of the daily market behaviour in terms of the rate, spread and volume movement across tenors and markets.
          b.    Daily Market Report: This is a summary of the market activity in the Government Securities, Money and Forex markets.

2.    Weekly Market Update: This is a weekly release tracks the operational activity within CCIL, key domestic and international rates, macro and liquidity indicators along with an overview of the developments over the week.

3.    Monthly:
          a.    Rakshitra:
This is the flagship newsletter encompassing data releases related to the operational segments, analysis of outstanding G-Sec debt, domestic and international macro indicators and an in-depth report on the macro and financial market developments over the month.
         b.    Research Articles: The research articles released over the years are a source of information, insight, awareness of specific topics, issues, trends related to Indian financial markets. They are a one-stop source of information, analysis and statistics on various topics.
        c.    Monthly Review of Economy: This is a monthly reporting of the trends in the overall macro economy in terms of the releases related to industry, agriculture, financial markets, public finance etc. 

4.    Quarterly:
         a.    CCIL SDL Quarterly: It captures the quarterly trends in state loans market ranging from the primary issuances, secondary market, spread movement and state-wise analysis of borrowings and yields.
           b.    CCIL Debt Quarterly: It captures the quarterly trends in the fixed income market ranging from government securities, corporate bonds and CPs and CDs. It tracks the market volumes, primary market activity and also the movement of the OTC derivative markets.
           c.    CCIL Forex Quarterly: It tracks the domestic movement of the rupee, volumes in the associated markets, international trends impacting the rupee movement etc. 

5.    Fact Book (Annual): This annual publication gives an overview of the operations of the Company and its subsidiaries along with the historical statistical compilation of the operations of the Company. 

6.    Macroeconomic Releases: These publications are timed in line with their official release give a visual and tabular summary of the numbers along with an analysis of the movement of the same. The reports released under this segment track the various macroeconomic developments including IIP, Monetary Policy, Union Budget, Foreign Trade and Balance of Payments. 

In addition to in-house publications and analytical papers, CCIL aims to promote collaborative thinking in order to give further wings to knowledge enhancement in the financial markets through collaborations with  other reputed institutions.