Functional FAQs

Base Limit for a member is the minimum limit for the member for each settlement date. Base Limit is kept separate so that the process of submission of trades to CLS Bank can continue unhindered for settlement dates other than the Settlement Date for which settlement is under progress. This limit is normally not altered and needs to be supported by collaterals. Collaterals accepted towards Base Limit are: a) Bank Guarantees b) US Dollar deposits c) Cash/Govt of India securities

An important aspect in regard to the CLS settlement is the identical time lines decided for settlement in all participating currencies. The time lines set presently is between 7.00 hrs CET to 12.00 hrs CET. For APAC currencies, if payments are done within the CLS Bank's cut-off time, it is difficult for the receiving entities to deploy such funds in the local market as by such time either the market is closed or the local RTGS is out of operation. To take care of this problem, Settlement banks normally allow pay-outs in Far Eastern currencies before the corresponding pay-ins are made, by taking credit exposures on the third party entities settling through them. Such pay-outs are termed as early pay-outs.

Additional CLS Limit is a variable limit which CCIL allows to its members depending on their necessity, subject to their having adequate collaterals with CCIL. It takes care of limit requirement relating to early pay-outs. The collaterals to be used towards Additional Limits are as under: a) US Dollar Deposits
b) Cash/Govt of India securities

Computation of member-wise Limit utilization is done on an online basis. Monitoring of Additional CLS requirement is done by way of periodic evaluation of member-wise limit utilization positions.

It may so happen that there may be a sudden increase in Limit Utilisation by a member beyond his available limit (it can happen due to change in exchange rate or in haircut rate). CCIL may then, at its discretion, decide to unilaterally rescind the trades of such member, if the member fails to provide adequate collateral to support such increase in utilisation beyond his Base Limit. Alternatively, a member may opt to avail pre-funding an amount equal to the extent of shortfall in limit in order to avoid rescind of trades by CCIL. Such sudden increase in limit utilisation may also occur due to rescinding of a trade by CCIL’s member or his counterparty or due to an off-setting trade remaining unmatched at CLS till the cut off time for the settlement date.

CLS settlement is not a guaranteed settlement and it only ensures that the settlement happens on a Payment Versus Payment (PVP) basis. CCIL does not offer Central Counterparty (CCP) clearing services in this segment. It only facilitates access to the CLS settlements for its members. It neither novates nor guarantees settlement for this segment.